Ramesh Rao Blog

Ramesh Rao Blog IS “WALKABILITY” THE NEW AND TRENDY LUXURY REAL ESTATE AMENITY FOR HOME BUYERS? Whether you believe it’s a resurgence of health-consciousness among homebuyers of all income levels, a return to a more “continental lifestyle” that values sidewalk cafes and leisurely strolls along grande metropolitan avenues, or a post-pandemic appreciation of fresh air and freedom from restrictions, there is no doubt that Americans today increasingly embrace neighborhood walkability as […]
Ramesh Rao Blog DON’T ASSUME THAT THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH A HOUSE THAT’S BACK ON THE MARKET If a home sale is pending and then the house goes back on the market, people often assume that the prospective buyer backed out after discovering a major problem with the property. That’s not necessarily true. If you see a house that has been relisted, don’t assume that there is something wrong with it. There […]
Ramesh Rao Blog THE BENEFITS OF HOUSEPLANTS Spending time outdoors surrounded by nature can improve your physical and mental health in a variety of ways. Bringing nature inside can also be beneficial. Here are several reasons why you might want to add some plants to your home. Plants Can Improve Indoor Air Quality Pet dander, cleaning products, and other contaminants can create […]
Ramesh Rao Blog WHAT IS A ‘SUBJECT-TO’ SALE? Ordinarily, when a homeowner sells a property, any outstanding mortgage balance gets paid off. If the buyer needs a loan to purchase the house, the buyer obtains a mortgage that has nothing to do with the seller’s loan. In a “subject-to” sale, the buyer takes over the seller’s existing mortgage and begins making payments. The […]
Ramesh Rao Blog HOW TO STAY SAFE WHEN YOU GO HIKING Hiking is an excellent way to get some exercise and connect with the natural world, but it can be risky. Be aware of the dangers you might encounter so you can prepare and stay safe on your hiking trip. Research the Area  Learn about the place where you’re planning to hike. Find out how long […]
Ramesh Rao Blog DO YOU NEED CATASTROPHE INSURANCE? A standard homeowners insurance policy covers many types of perils but doesn’t cover everything. Sometimes homeowners find that out the hard way – they assume that a policy covers something that it doesn’t, then feel surprised and dismayed when their property is damaged or destroyed and their insurance claim is denied. Don’t let that happen […]
Ramesh Rao Blog WHAT IS A TRANSFER OF PHYSICAL ASSETS? When a homeowner with a conventional mortgage sells a house, the outstanding loan balance gets paid off with proceeds from the sale. The buyer might take out a new mortgage to purchase the property or pay with cash. If the owner has a mortgage approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), things […]
Ramesh Rao Blog HOW TO MAKE A ROOM WITH A LOW CEILING SEEM MORE SPACIOUS Older homes often have low ceilings. While you might enjoy the character and charm of a historic house, low ceilings can make it feel small and cramped. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways to trick the eye and make a room with a low ceiling seem larger than it really is. Select Furniture That […]
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Ramesh Rao Blog A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO PAINLESSLY GOING GREEN You’ve heard the warnings about global warming, you feel compassion for stranded polar bears and you worry about overwhelming the landfills. As a homeowner, you may not be ready for composting, but there are ways to become an eco-friendlier household. Ecologists provide simple but useful tips that even the laziest activist can use to do […]
Ramesh Rao Blog BASIC HOME EMERGENCY PREP TIPS FOR BEGINNERS Emergency preparedness is vital for every homeowner. Unfortunately, learning about emergency preparation can become overwhelming very quickly. There are a plethora of options on the market, and it can quickly feel like you can never buy enough emergency prep items. If you are just a beginner who wants to be reasonably prepared, there are some […]
Ramesh Rao Blog 5 TIPS TO PET-PROOF YOUR HOME Bringing home a pet can be an exciting time, but just like with a small child, there are certain precautions you must take to ensure your home is ready to house a pet. Keeping your new pet safe is paramount, and these five tips can help ensure that your home is a safe and comforting […]
Ramesh Rao Blog APPLIANCE CLEANING TIPS FOR HOMEOWNERS Cleaning your appliances is key to ensuring they perform at their best and last for years to come. These tips can help you maintain your appliances and keep them grime-free–inside and out. Refrigerator Your refrigerator isn’t hard to maintain, but without the proper care, you could find yourself reducing its longevity. Your fridge has a […]
Ramesh Rao Blog TOP MOLD PREVENTION TIPS FOR YOUR HOME No one wants mold or mildew to grow in their homes, but many homeowners have to contend with the issue. Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t address common mold prevention techniques, making their homes a welcome place for mold to grow. These tips will help you mitigate the risks of mold and mildew in common areas throughout […]
Ramesh Rao Blog FIRE SAFETY TIPS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON Delicious feasts, cozy fires, and beautiful decorations are all essential parts of many families’ holiday traditions. Unfortunately, many of these traditions can involve a fire hazard if families are not careful. This holiday season, protect your family and your home by following these vital fire safety tips.  Please be safe this holiday season. Kitchen Tips: […]
Ramesh Rao Blog OUTDOOR LIVING TRENDS FOR LUXURY PROPERTIES In many markets, the outdoor spaces of a home are as important as the indoor spaces. Indeed, in some areas, outdoor spaces function as additional rooms of the home.  They provide opulent areas for additional seating, dining, cooking, and entertaining. Find out about how the latest outdoor living trends for luxury properties can add value […]
Ramesh Rao Blog THE SILVER LININGS FOR 2023 HOMEBUYERS (AND SELLERS) While the current inflationary state of the economy is posing new challenges for home buyers, there are several important, positive side effects to keep in mind if you’re considering purchasing a new home in the near future. According to realtor.com’s recent 2023 Housing Forecast, while home prices are not expected to dip much further (good […]
Ramesh Rao Blog THE 2023 COLOR OF THE YEAR, AND HOW TO USE IT It’s that time of the year when paint companies and color experts weigh in with their top color pick for the new year. And for Benjamin Moore, that color marks a bold departure from recent years. While for 2022 Benjamin Moore selected a soothing, muted shade of sage green, October Mist, this year’s color hails […]
Ramesh Rao Blog REDUCE YOUR ELECTRIC BILL BY AVOIDING THESE 10 THINGS With homeowners across the country feeling the pinch of inflation, there’s no better time than now to take steps to reduce your electricity bill. When it comes to saving money on energy costs, it’s all about the small steps we tend to avoid, assuming they won’t make much of a difference. In this case, however, […]
Ramesh Rao Blog AVOID THESE 4 OUTDATED BATHROOM TRENDS Your home’s bathroom may be diminutive in size but it carries a big punch when it comes to your overall interior design. The small details can make or break the style you’ve worked so hard to achieve in other areas of your home, so don’t give short shrift to bathroom decor. According to the design […]
Ramesh Rao Blog HOUSING MARKET MINUTE Market Summary As the new year gets underway, Americans are financially preparing for challenges in 2023.Despite inflation slowing towards the end of last year, consumers are managing their spending more closely andshowed restraint from overspending during the holidays. Economic data suggest this will continue in the short-term. Housing demand remains relatively depressed as affordability remains […]